Thursday, May 07, 2009

Site calls for Nation-wide Catholic ‘Tea Party’ during Obama commencement at Notre Dame

WASHINGTON D.C., May 7 (CNA) - A single-page website,, is inviting Catholics across the U.S. to lead “respectful” prayer meetings, preferably on the same day and at the same time in which President Barack Obama will be honored at the University of Notre Dame.

The idea, according to the promoters of the initiative, is to organize a nationwide, prayerful “Catholic Tea Party” that, they hope, will become viral.

“Dear 44th President, we pray that you may see clearly and defend the value of all human life, from the moment of conception. God bless you,” says the website, which is suggesting that the simultaneous prayer vigils take place on May 17, while President Obama visits Notre Dame.

The site offers a Google Calendar with Catholic events already organized around the Notre Dame controversy.

Those interested in organizing local “Catholic Tea Parties” are encouraged to contact