Friday, August 31, 2007

Archbishop Gomez’s Homily from the Nairobi Consecrations

Greg Griffith

"Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Feed my lambs ...; tend my sheep ...;feed my sheep ...; follow me." (John 21:15, 16, 17 and 19).

In the Gospel according to John, Jesus addressed Peter as "Simon, Son of John" on two occasions. In chapter one, Andrew, Simon's brother, introduced Peter to Jesus. On this occasion, Jesus draws attention to Simon Peter's natural human condition and his future role in the divine dispensation. Andrew brought Peter to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "So you are Simon, the Son of John? You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). (John 1 :42). Simon, the son of John, is to become, by the grace of God, Peter the rock upon whom Jesus will build the church. Simon, Son of John, does not become Peter the rock by a process of natural development, not by a process of developing his natural potential but by a process of transformation by the power of God.

In a sense this process of transformation which began in chapter one is not completed until chapter twenty-one where we find the second occasion when Jesus addressed him as Simon, Son of John -- Jesus said, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"

Among all the disciples, Peter was the one who had protested his devotion to Jesus most vehemently, promising to follow him even to death. "Peter said to him, Lord why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you." (John 13:37)

All the Gospels record the terrible fact that Peter, the leaders of the Apostolic band, denied his master at the moment of crisis. The evangelist John, in line with the consistent teaching of his Gospel, is at pains to show that this did not arise from any moral weakness in Peter but was one manifestation of the necessary fact that the meaning of Jesus' death can in no circumstances be grasped by unaided human nature (flesh and blood), but can only be grasped by the new dispensation of the spirit which is inaugurated by the passion and resurrection of Jesus.

Peter had been among the first to be called by Jesus to follow him. And he had followed faithfully in his way. Peter is ready to lay down his life for Jesus, just as Jesus had said that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. And Peter's word was proved true when in the darkness of the Garden of Gethsemane Peter drew his sword and proposed to fight single handedly against a whole company of soldiers. But that act of the impetuous - Peter brought only a sharp rebuke from Jesus. "Put your sword back into its sheath. Am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?" (John 18:11). Peter is eager to follow, but he cannot because "the way" has not yet been opened. No one can follow until Jesus has done what he alone can do. Only he can "offer for all time a single sacrifice for sin." (Hebrews 10:12). Jesus does this as an act of loving obedience to his Father - "Not my will but your will be done." When Jesus has accomplished his saving work, a way will be opened along which Peter can and will follow, along with all who take up the cross and follow Jesus. Now he sees through a glass darkly and has to come to the realization that his human and loyal determination to follow Jesus leads him to act in his own strength without reliance on the will and power of God.

So in chapter twenty-one, Peter, who had promised to follow even unto death comes face to face with his friend and master whom he had three times denied. On this occasion, he is addressed by his old name, the name he had before Jesus met and called him to discipleship. Once again, as on that night of his threefold apostasy, Jesus looked at him across a charcoal fire and challenged him three times with the simple yet painfully searching question, "Simon, Son of John, do you love me more than these?"

Three times Peter answers with an affirmation of his love - but an affirmation which rests its confidence not on the strength of his own love but on the sureness of Jesus' knowledge. "Lord you know everything, you know that I love you. And three times Jesus solemnly gives to the grieved and humbled disciple the commission to be the shepherd, guiding, guarding and nourishing the flock which belongs to Jesus. "Feed my lambs;" "Tend my sheep;" "Feed my sheep" are three commands included in the overriding command of Jesus "follow me."

In the light of the Resurrection, Peter has learned what following Jesus really means. In the past, he had tried to follow according to his own desires and in his own strength. Now he will learn that following Jesus means going the way of the cross. "When you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go." (John 21 :18-19). After this he said to him "follow me."

This following along the way of the cross will glorify God, for just as Jesus manifested the glory of God in his death, so the same glory will be manifested in the disciples whom he sends out into the world. "The glory that you have given me I have given them."

So Peter receives the good news that the threefold denial is wiped out and forgiven in the threefold commissioning. "Feed my lambs;" "Tend my sheep;" "Feed my sheep." An important element in the good news is the fact that the flock which belongs to Jesus consists not of the righteous but of sinners called to repentance. We need to remember that the primacy which Peter holds among the apostles is the primacy of a forgiven sinner. "You are Peter" is said by Jesus to the one to whom in the next breath Jesus will say "get behind me, Satan." (Matthew 16: 18, 23). It is to the fisherman overwhelmed by the realization of his sinfulness that Jesus says "Do not be afraid, henceforth you will be catching men." (Luke 5:8-10). It is to the disciple who will fall away that Jesus says, "when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren." (Luke 22:31).

Peter is to be both a fisher of men and shepherd as he answers the call of Jesus to "follow me." Peter can only serve as fisher of men and shepherd in so far as he is first a disciple - one who is following Jesus along the way to the cross.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, as disciples of the same Christ who continues to invite persons everywhere to follow him, we have assembled to participate in the solemn liturgy for the consecration of Bishops in the Church of God. It is only fitting on this occasion, to reflect on the nature of Christian ministry with special emphasis on Episcopal ministry.

As Anglicans, we identify with the growing ecumenical consensus on the nature of ministry reflected in the document issued by the World Council of Churches entitled "Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry" (BEM). All ministries in the church, including the ordained ministry, are gifts (charisms) of the Spirit for the building up of the body of Christ. "For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of one another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness." (Romans 12:4-8) "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses." (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) "The Holy Spirit bestows on the community diverse and complementary gifts." (BEM, Ministry, 5) This charismatic understanding of ordained ministry is reflected in BEM's interpretation of the meaning of ordination: "Ordination denotes an action by God and the community which through long tradition takes place in the context of worship and especially of the eucharist ... The act of ordination by the laying on of hands of those appointed to do so is at one and the same time invocation of the Holy Spirit (epiklesis): sacramental sigh; acknowledgement of gifts and commitment. Ordination is an invocation to God that the new minister be given the power of the Holy Spirit in the new relation which is established between this minister and the local Christian community and, by intention, the Church universal." (BEM, Ministry, 40-42)

Ordained ministry is not only a gift of the Spirit. It is also a representative ministry. While all baptized Christians represent Christ and the church, the ordained ministry represents Christ and the church in particular ways. In his book, “A Ministry Shaped by Mission,” Paul Avis explores the concept of representation as applied to the ordained ministry. According to Avis, the ordained ministry represents Christ to the community which is already united to Christ in baptism. The ordained ministry acts as the representative and organ of the whole body in the exercise of responsibilities which belong to the body as a whole.

The understanding of ordained ministry as a gift of the Spirit and a representative ministry together with the language of "sign" and "symbol" used in ecumenical agreements in connection with the ordained ministry challenge a purely functional understanding of ordained ministry, including episcopal ministry. Because Christ's ministry is present to us only through the Spirit, ecclesial ministry is necessarily charismatic. For the same reason, it is relational. The nexus of relationships established by the Spirit creates a new way of being, which transforms both the one ordained and those for whom he is ordained, making it futile to debate whether ordained ministry in the church is functional or ontological in nature. BEM points in this direction when it speaks of ordination as establishing a "new relation" between the ordained minister and the local and universal church. Ordained ministry is neither a status nor a set of functions, but a charism of the Spirit which is to say that it is a sacramental reality.

Already in the early paragraphs of the Ministry section of BEM, the sacramental and not merely functional aspect of ministry, and indeed of episcopal office, is implied and assumed:

"The chief responsibility of the ordained ministry is to assemble and build up the body of Christ by proclaiming and teaching the Word of God, by celebrating the sacraments, and by guiding the life of the community in its worship, its mission and its caring ministry. It is especially in the eucharistic celebration that the ordained ministry is the visible focus of the deep and all-embracing communion between Christ and the members of his body. In the celebration of the Eucharist, Christ gathers, teaches and nourishes the Church. It is Christ who invites to the meal and who presides at it. In most churches this presidency is signified and represented by an ordained minister." (BEM, Ministry. 13-14) In the Anglican tradition it is primarily the bishop as eucharistic president who is the sign of communion.

In IASCER's response to the Lutheran document The Episcopal Ministry within the Apostolicity of the Church particular note was taken of the patristic tradition concerning episcopal ministry:

"Historians commonly agree that there are three principal images or models of the office of a bishop in the pre-Nicene church, which are best exemplified in Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus, and Cyprian. For Ignatius, the bishop is primarily the one who presides at the eucharist. This is central for Ignatius because of his understanding of the nature of the church. For Ignatius, then, the bishop is ... the one who presides at ... the eucharistic liturgy.

Irenaeus, on the other hand, while echoing the eucharistic teaching of Ignatius, places primary emphasis on the bishop's role as teacher of the faith. The context here is the conflict with Gnosticism. For Irenaeus, the bishop is above all the one who preserves the continuity of the apostolic teaching in unbroken succession from the apostles. It is through the bishop's faithful proclamation of the Gospel in each local church that the unity of the church and the continuity of the church in the apostolic tradition is preserved.

For Cyprian, the bishop serves as the bond of unity between the local church and the universal church. Here the collegial aspect of the bishop's role comes to the fore. The Bishop is one member of a worldwide ‘college’ of bishops who are together responsible for maintaining the unity of the churches. Cyprian’s primary emphasis, therefore, is upon the bishop as the bond of unity between the local church and the church universal.

In each of theses models, therefore, the bishop is the sign of unity between the local and the universal church, either through the maintenance of eucharistic communion, continuity in apostolic teaching, or common oversight of the churches.

My brothers, you are entering the Episcopal ministry within the Anglican Communion at a time when the Communion is being severely challenged in each of the three related areas of the patristic tradition concerning Episcopal ministry. I refer to:

* The maintenance of eucharistic communion
* Continuity and apostolic teaching.
* Oversight of the churches.

The present impaired state of the Communion is due mainly to actions taken by the Episcopal Church of the United States of America in respect of human sexuality with special reference to the consecration of a bishop living in an opened homosexual relationship. The actions of the Episcopal Church have created a situation in which some Anglicans in the United States and throughout most of the Provinces of the Communion are convinced that the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is clear in its teaching and must take precedent over culture. Holding fast to this belief, they cannot accommodate those who believe the contrary. The issue is not primarily on of sexuality but one which seeks to answer the question "which relationships correspond to God’s ordering of life, and violate it?" It is a division of opinion between those of us who firmly believe that homosexual practice violates the order of life give by God in scripture and those who seek by various mean to justify what scripture does not hounour. We, in the Global South, whole heartedly support the position outlined by Richard Hays in "The Moral Vision of the New Testament:"

"Paul singles out homosexual intercourse for special attention because he regards it as providing a particularly graphic image of the way in which human fallenness distorts God’s created order. God the Creator made man and woman for each other, to cleave together to be fruitful and multiply. When human beings ‘exchange’ these created roses for homosexual intercourse, they embody the spiritual condition of those who have ‘exchanged the truth about God for a lie.’"

We believe that faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ prevents us from compromising the truth so clearly revealed in holy scripture.

While the Anglican Communion struggles through the present impasse you, as bishops of the church, will be required to give sound and faithful leadership to the people of God committed to your care and charge. In faithful obedience to Christ, you must endeavour to "build up the body of Christ by proclaiming and teaching the word of God, by celebrating the sacrament, and by guiding the life of the community in its worship, mission and its caring ministry." You cannot fulfill this ministry in your own strength. You must continue to meet the Lord in prayer as you seek to discern his will for his flock. You must love the flock of Christ as he loves us, and you must be a true shepherd "guiding, guarding and nourishing the flock which belongs to Jesus." As you grow in apostolic ministry, always remember that you are sharing tin the ministry of Jesus the Good Shepherd and never forget that in all you say and do your aim must be to follow Jesus who is indeed "the way, the truth and the life."

Posted August 31, 2007 at 11:04 am
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bishops Atwood, Murdoch Consecrated in Kenya

Bishops Atwood, Murdoch Consecrated in Kenya

The Archbishop of Kenya today consecrated the Rev. William L. Murdoch, rector of All Saints’ Church, West Newbury, Mass., and the Rev. Canon Bill Atwood, general secretary of The Ekklesia Society, as bishops suffragan of All Saints Cathedral in the Diocese of Nairobi.

Both bishops were elected in June by the provincial synod of the Anglican Church of Kenya. Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi said at the time of Bishop Murdock’s election that the new bishops will “serve the international interests of the Anglican Church of Kenya, including taking responsibility for care for the congregations and clergy in the U.S. under Kenyan jurisdiction.”

Ten Anglican primates or their representatives were reported to have been participants or in attendance at the service, which was estimated to have lasted nearly five hours. Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh and Bishop Jack Iker of Fort Worth were present, as were Bishop Martyn Minns of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) and Bishop Charles Murphy of the Anglican Mission in the Americas (AMiA).

In January, more than a dozen American Anglican Church of Kenya congregations petitioned Archbishop Nzimbi to create a missionary diocese for the 25 U.S.-based congregations of Kenyan expatriates and American traditionalists under his care. When he announced the bishops’ elections, Archbishop Nzimbi stated that The Episcopal Church had torn the fabric of the Anglican Communion and the House of Bishops had “exacerbated” the damage by failing to provide adequate pastoral care for the “faithful” and for rejecting the pastoral council “offered through the primates in their communiqué from Dar es Salaam.”

Archbishop Drexel Gomez, Primate of the West Indies, who preached at the service, told the Associated Press afterward, “The gospel ... must take precedence over culture. Homosexual practice violates the order of life given by God in holy scripture.”

+Gomez: ‘The Gospel must take precedence over culture’

Greg Griffith
+Gomez: ‘The Gospel must take precedence over culture’


Two American priests were consecrated Thursday as Anglican bishops in Kenya, the latest in a string of conservative priests who are defecting to African churches in a dispute over gay clergy.

Bill Atwood of Texas and William Murdoch of Massachusetts left the Episcopal Church - the U.S. branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion - because it allows the ordination of gay priests.

"The gospel ... must take precedence over culture,'' said Archbishop Drexel Gomez of the West Indies, one of 10 Anglican leaders or representatives who attended the ceremony in Nairobi's All Saints Cathedral. ``Homosexual practice violates the order of life given by God in Holy Scripture.''

Posted August 30, 2007 at 8:17 am
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+Venables: Anglicans Lack Structures to Resolve Gay Row

Greg Griffith
+Venables: Anglicans Lack Structures to Resolve Gay Row

A conservative prelate said that the 77-million member Anglican Communion does not have the structures needed to overcome the current split over homosexuality.

The Most Rev Greg Venables, Archbishop of the Southern Cone of America, is in Nairobi, Kenya, where he will join a controversial ceremony on Thursday to consecrate two conservative US clerics as bishops.

He told journalists, "There are no official structures to resolve things, so part of the major struggle we are going through is to work out how we actually resolve a conflict of this nature.”

Posted August 30, 2007 at 8:14 am
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Funny how, by implication, the folks who deny the uniqueness of Christ and bless gay unions are the established order...

Greg Griffith
Kenyan Anglicans ordain ‘rebel’ US bishops

Funny how, by implication, the folks who deny the uniqueness of Christ and bless gay unions are the established order...

Kenya's Anglican Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi on Thursday ordained two US bishops in a move aimed at countering the US Episcopal church's acceptance of homosexuals in the priesthood.

Bill Atwood and Bill Murdoch are among a growing number of conservative clerics who have split with the Episcopals -- the US branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion -- over the issue of homosexuality.

At the consecration service in Nairobi, the two men vowed to serve the international interests of the Anglican Church of Kenya and of the congregations in North America "under Kenyan jurisdiction".

Ten primates from the Global South, a conservative bloc of churches in Asia, Africa and Latin America, attended the Nairobi meeting.

"It is evident that the conflicts in the communion affect us all and we have a responsibility to address the areas that we are able to impact," said Nzimbi.

Posted August 30, 2007 at 9:12 am
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US congregations defect to Africa as schism over gay priests widens

Matt Kennedy
London Times: US congregations defect to Africa as schism over gay priests widens (Kenya)

US congregations defect to Africa as schism over gay priests widens

When the Rev Bill Murdoch walks down the aisle of All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi to become an Anglican bishop today he will be turning his back on an American Church that he believes has lost its way.

Mr Murdoch is the latest rebel conservative priest from the US to defect to an African Church over the issue of homosexuality. But he says he will not be turning his back on his younger brother, Brian, who is a gay priest in New England. “I love my brother and care deeply for him, and obviously that’s been a part of my family’s struggle for 20 years,” he said. “So this has been a deep struggle, not a casual decision at all.”

The Anglican Communion of 77 million has been beset by splits since the American Episcopal Church consecrated Gene Robinson, an openly gay man, as Bishop of New Hampshire in 2003. Since then an alliance of conservative archbishops, largely from the developing world, has accused the Episcopal Church of ignoring Biblical teaching. Liberals, who favour a looser interpretation of Scripture, in turn accuse conservatives of taking the Communion of 38 Churches to the brink of schism.

Posted August 30, 2007 at 5:51 am
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Openly Lesbian Priest Among Nominees for Bishop of Chicago

Greg Griffith
Openly Lesbian Priest Among Nominees for Bishop of Chicago

The Rev. Tracey Lind, author of Interrupted by God and an openly lesbian priest, is among the nominees.

Integrity is, of course, elated:

"The big news today is that discernment has trumped discrimination in the Diocese of Chicago," said Integrity President Susan Russell. "The inclusion of the Very Rev. Tracey Lind on the list of five extraordinarily qualified candidates for Bishop of Chicago is a bold step forward and a sign of hope and encouragement not only to LGBT Episcopalians but to the whole church. Her experience and leadership make her an excellent candidate and Integrity applauds the Diocese of Chicago for not allowing the forces advocating bigotry over ability to dominate their nomination process.

It is long past time for the Episcopal Church to acknowledge that B033 -- the 2006 resolution designed to prevent the election of a gay or lesbian bishop -- has failed in its attempt to balance the unity of the Anglican Communion on the backs of the LGBT faithful. There is no turning back on the full inclusion of the baptized into the Body of Christ -- only moving forward into God's future as an Episcopal Church committed to mission and ministry, to unity in diversity.

Posted August 28, 2007 at 10:26 am
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pro-Life Group Blasts 'Intellectually Shallow' Excuse from Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- "It is ludicrous." This was the reaction of Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of Life Decisions International (LDI), to a statement by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (L&LS) in defense of its support for embryonic stem cell experimentation.

LDI, which publishes a list of corporations that fund the abortion-committing group Planned Parenthood, recently updated the "Dishonorable Mention" section of The Boycott List. The section identifies nonprofit organizations that "are linked to Planned Parenthood and/or its agenda." Like Planned Parenthood, L&LS actively supports embryonic stem cell experimentation.

"Planned Parenthood supports such experimentation because it seeks to promote its cause and justify its actions by further devaluing human life. Life other groups may do so for what may be more altruistic reasons, the end result is the same," Scott said.

"This is a complex and emotional subject, and I think it therefore requires that we carefully analyze the facts," wrote Doug Lubbers of L&LS in a statement to a pro- life activist who wrote in opposition to the charity's support of embryonic stem cell experimentation. "But everything following that sentence is an attempt to evade the facts," Scott said.

"I believe that your information derives from the fact that L&LS, along with the Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network and 520 other patient advocacy groups were co-signers to a letter to the House and the Senate, dated January 10, 2007, supporting the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act." Lubbers wrote.

"This is an attempt to justify the signing of the letter," Scott responded. "It is like saying, 'Yes, we signed the letter, but so did Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network and 520 other groups.' Fair enough. The hospital and other groups are responsible for their having signed just as L&LS is responsible for adding its name to the letter."

"Although the Congress passed that legislation, it was vetoed by the President in June," Lubbers wrote. "Therefore, this law has not been implemented. We are left with the intellectual exercise of why 522 organizations decided to co-sign such a letter."

"'Intellectual exercise'? 'Now moot'? Hogwash," Scott said. "The fact is that L&LS wanted the legislation to pass. L&LS opposed the veto. It is simply providence that President George W. Bush was in office at this moment in time and he chose to veto the measure. Had another person been president, or had there been enough votes in Congress to override the veto, the bill could have become law. L&LS is attempting to excuse its actions by saying, 'Well, we failed to get what we wanted, so let's pretend we had no role in trying to make it happen.'" Scott compared the statement to a child who had been caught throwing rocks from an overpass in an attempt to hit cars on the freeway. "'Well, at least I missed all the cars,' the child could say. That is true, but had the effort been 'successful,' someone would have been killed," Scott said.

"Although I do not have any appreciation for the detail of the proposed legislation," Lubbers continued, "I think it safe to say that there may have been many different reasons by these organizations, all of which are now moot."

Scott responded by saying that organizations did not have "many different reasons" for supporting the legislation. "There was only one reason for supporting it. They wanted to expand embryonic stem cell experimentation and they wanted federal taxpayer dollars to fund it." He also said the subject is not "now moot" because "efforts to pass the same kind of bill will continue." Scott said that if L&LS had no intention of being part of these future efforts, Lubbers would surely have said so. Moreover, L&LS should have publicly withdrawn its name from the list of those endorsing the legislation. (The letter mentioned by Lubbers is even available through the L&LS website.)

Lubbers closed his statement with these words: "Let me clearly state that the Society does not 'support the destruction of innocent life'. Nothing is farther from being true, as evidenced by the Society's policy - 'The Society opposes the fertilization of human eggs for the purpose of research'."

"All this proves is that L&LS opposes the fertilization of human eggs for the express purpose of conducting experiments on them," Scott said. "But if the embryos were created without that specific purpose in mind, it is okay to do whatever you want to them. We trust Mr. Lubbers would be outraged if he were to hear someone say, 'Sure, but the Jews are already dead. It's okay to make lampshades out of their skin so long as we didn't kill the Jews for the express purpose of making the lampshades.'"

"Mr. Lubbers' response is intellectually shallow and utterly ridiculous," Scott said. "We urge L&LS to end its support of embryonic stem cell research." For the names of other organizations that support embryonic experimentation, please visit LDI's website.

Contact: Mr. Dwayne Howell, President & CEO, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 1311 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605; Phone: 800-955-4572 or (914) 949-6691.

Christian Newswire

Pope honours Rabbi for historic contributions to Jewish-Catholic relations

Rabbi Leon Klenicki, the Anti-Defamation League's Interfaith Affairs Director Emeritus, has been knighted by Pope Benedict XVI for his historic contributions in creating positive relationships between Catholics and Jews around the world. Rabbi Klenicki was made a Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great at a ceremony at the Vatican's Mission to the United Nations, presided by Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston.

Rabbi Klenicki becomes the second ADL interfaith official to receive a papal knighthood. In 1986, the late Dr Joseph L. Lichten became the first American Jew to receive the honour, from Pope John Paul II.

A renowned scholar and theologian, Rabbi Klenicki joins a select group of living Jews, and only a handful of rabbis, who have been so honoured by the Vatican. Klenicki is the author and co-author of hundreds of books and papers dealing with the theological and practical aspects of improving relations between Catholics and Jews.

"I am deeply honored by Pope Benedict XVI for my nomination as a Papal Knight of the Order of St Gregory the Great," said Rabbi Klenicki, who recalled his many meetings through the years with the future pope -- then Cardinal Ratzinger -- whom he praised for "the depth and breadth of his knowledge."

"I cannot describe how much this honour means to me," he said. "It is recognition of the importance of the interfaith dialogue that has been my vocation and my passion for more than 30 years."

Rabbi Klenicki, a native of Argentina, thanked his high school and university teachers, his family, and his wife, Myra Cohen, whom he called his inspiration. He also thanked ADL "for the opportunities it has given me to spend more than 30 years in the field of interfaith work."

"We are extremely proud that Rabbi Klenicki's decades of work to help reconcile the Catholic and Jewish people has been recognized by Pope Benedict XVI with this special honor," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "Leon is a true pioneer in interfaith dialogue and education. I can think of no better person to deserve this honor."

Leon Klenicki received a Rabbinical diploma in 1967 from the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. In September 1967, Klenicki returned to Buenos Aires, where he accepted the position of Director of the Latin American Office of the World Union for Progressive Judaism He helped develop Reform Judaism in Latin America and lectured widely at the main Latin American Jewish centers. Rabbi Klenicki served as an advisor on interfaith affairs for the DAIA, the main Jewish organization in Argentina.

In 1973, Rabbi Klenicki joined ADL as head of the Jewish-Catholic Relations Department. He became Director of ADL's Department of Interfaith Affairs in 1984, and ADL's Co-Liaison to the Vatican. He held this position until his retirement in January 2001.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recommended to all US bishops and cardinals that they observe Holocaust Memorial Day by using as a liturgy the service prepared by Rabbi Klenicki and Dr Eugene J Fisher, "From Desolation to Hope: An Interreligious Holocaust Memorial Service." In May 2001, Rabbi Klenicki was honoured by the Holy See's Commission for Interreligious Relations with Judaism for his contributions to the interfaith dialogue.

Attending Saturday's ceremony at the Vatican Mission were leading Catholic and Jewish interfaith officials including Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Holy See's Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Father James Massa, Executive Director of the Office of Ecumenical and Interrreligious Affairs for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

Source: ADL

© Independent Catholic News 2007


August 27, 2007

Last month, four of us wrote you to express our concern with your threats of litigation against four dioceses that affirmed their membership in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and to ask you to make a public report of the following:

1 ) How much money has the Episcopal Church spent on litigation against congregations and individuals who have chosen to depart TEC since 2003? What are the sources of those fun ds?

2) In what budget(s) are those expenditures accounted for?

3) Has any income from trust funds been used to support these litigations? If so, how much and from which funds?

4) How much compensation has the law firm of the Episcopal Church's chancellor, David Beers, received for servicing this litigation?

To date we have received no reply from you in any form to address our call for financial transparency. And we are now joined by another bishop who is asking the same questions.

This contentious issue is not something to be ignored in hopes that it will dissipate or be forgotten. Because you have not pulled the veil from this issue, conjecture as to where the money is coming from is almost limitless.

We ask you to answer these questions to demonstrate your compliance with Christ's call for us to be good stewards of the funds He has provided. You have a responsibility to the individuals who gave those funds in good faith to confirm that you are using them for their intended purposes to do Christ's work and spread His Gospel.

We raise these concerns because of past incidents of questionable financial decisions and financial mismanagement at the top echelons of TEC.

Last November, Bishop Stacy Sauls reported to the Executive Council that $25,000 had been made available to his committee on property disputes from the Church Pension Fund.

It was reported at that time that the money had not been spent, but it was made available. We have not yet been able to determine whether the money has been spent since then.

However, one must raise the question whether this might not violate either New York or Federal laws in regard to pension funds. It becomes critical that we (and the whole Church) know the conditions under which such an offer was made, and whether all or any part of the funds were spent for their intended purpose.

Our concerns about financial transparency are also founded in TEC's history of mismanaged funds. The lack of checks and balances that failed to prevent the embezzlement of $2 million from church accounts in the late 90's, the subsequent investigation by the State of New York, and the costs of the related legal fees are reasons for the church to avoid even the appearance of wrongdoing. Given the church's history, our concerns are not only relevant but require immediate attention. We await your response.

+ C. F. Allison, Bishop of South Carolina, Retired
+ Maurice M. Benitez, Bishop of Texas, Retired
+ Alex D. Dickson, Bishop of West Tennessee, Retired
+ William C. Wantland, Bishop of Eau Claire, Retired
+ Milton L. Wood, Bishop Suffragan of Atlanta, Retired

AG Gonzales Resigns; OR Says 'Good Riddance'

Gonzales obstructed enforcement of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act

WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Alberto Gonzales has resigned today as United States Attorney General. Operation Rescue calls on President George Bush to appoint a replacement that will immediately enforce the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.

"We are not sorry at all to see Gonzales resign," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Since the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal ban on partial- birth abortions is constitutional, Gonzales has done nothing but obstruct enforcement. In fact, we don't think the temporary restraining order barring the ban from going into effect has even been vacated."

"Right now we don't know who is doing this illegal late- term abortion procedure. There has been no investigation or any attempt to find out if the abortionists are following the law," said Newman.

"We call on President Bush to appoint an Attorney General who will enforce the ban and investigate abortionists to ensure they are obeying the law, including Nebraska's LeRoy Carhart who defended the horrific abortion method all the way to the Supreme Court. Since Carhart is also employed by Kansas abortionist George Tiller, we are asking for a Federal investigation of him as well."

Newman is not impressed by abortionists, such as Tiller, who claim they do not do the illegal abortion procedure. Operation Rescue is calling for investigations of late-term abortionists Warren Hern of Colorado, James Pendergraft of Florida, and Martin Haskel of Ohio along with Carhart, Tiller and others.

"If you ask a drug dealer if he is dealing drugs, he will deny it, but no law enforcement officer will take him at his word until a thorough investigation substantiates it. It's crazy to trust the word of abortionists who say they are in compliance with a law that they avidly opposed," said Newman.

"We need a new Attorney General who will do his job and enforce the law with immediate investigations and arrests of those abortionist who are committing criminal partial-birth abortions," said Newman.

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Christian Newswire

Monday, August 27, 2007

Richard Viguerie Suggests Replacements for Attorney General Gonzales

MANASSAS, Va., Aug. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is a an open letter to President Bush from Richard A. Viguerie, author of Conservatives Betrayed (Bonus Books, 2006), suggesting 10 persons for consideration as replacements for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales:

Dear Mr. President:

I know you and I have had our differences in the past, but the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales gives you a great opportunity to energize the Republican Party, the conservative movement, and your approval ratings all at the same time.

As I explained in a news release, the Democrats will not be appeased by the nomination of any "moderate" or liberal. And of course they will vehemently oppose any conservative. But that is your secret weapon.

For decades, polls have shown that the American public takes conservative positions on judicial and legal issues and appointments. A Democratic refusal to confirm a conservative as Attorney General is an issue that the Republican presidential candidate-- whoever he is--can carry all the way into the White House in 2008.

Confronting the Democrats and rallying the conservative base is also a way for you to raise your approval ratings from the 30s, perhaps even into the 50s. And that would help you and Congressional Republicans on your entire agenda.

So, here are 10 highly qualified conservatives you can nominate for Attorney General, listed alphabetically. If the Democrats turn down your first choice, go to your next choice, and then the next and the next. The Democrats' obstructionism will give Republicans a winning issue--"strict constructionists" in legal positions--that will pay handsome dividends in 2008.

Mr. President, the conservative movement and the Republican Party are currently in the doldrums. The nomination of a true conservative for Attorney General will breathe new life and energy into the movement, the party, and the final 17 months of your administration.


Richard A. Viguerie

10 Outstanding Conservatives to Nominate for Attorney General
(listed alphabetically)

Chris Cox, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since 2005. Received his JD from Harvard Law School. Associate Counsel to President Reagan. Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 1989-2005.

Miguel Estrada, nominated in 2001 to U.S. Court of Appeals for Second Circuit (D.C.), but filibustered by Democrats.

Jim Gilmore, former Virginia Attorney General (1993- 1997) and Virginia Governor (1998-2002). From 1999 to 2003 chaired the Congressional terrorism commission known as the Gilmore Commission. Chairman of the Republican National Committee in 2001-2002.

Edith Jones, nominated by President Reagan and now chief judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The other finalist for the Supreme Court vacancy given instead to David Souter. Had the honor of being named one of five worst judges in Texas by the liberal Texas Observer.

Ed Meese, Ronald Reagan's distinguished Attorney General. Though retired, he is active with the Heritage Foundation and would undoubtedly agree to serve his country again for a 17-month interim term.

Ted Olson, U.S. Solicitor General 2001-2004. Assistant Attorney General in the Reagan administration. Successfully litigated Bush v. Gore. Wife Barbara K. Olson was passenger on hijacked airplane on 9/11.

Priscilla Owen, federal judge on U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Previously a justice on the Texas Supreme Court.

Charles W. Pickering, Sr., appointed by President George H. W. Bush to U.S. District Court for Southern District of Mississippi. In 1976, he chaired the subcommittee of the Republican Platform Committee that called for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade.

William H. Pryor Jr., Alabama Attorney General from 1997 to 2004. Presently a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, where he was chairman of the Senate Republican Conference.

NOTE to EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered ideological and political direct mail and has been called "the funding father of the conservative movement" for his role in helping build dozens of conservative organizations. He is the author of Conservatives Betrayed--How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause (Bonus Books, 2006).

Christian Newswire

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Akinola: Anglicans must not sacrifice Bible for unity

August 24, 2007

ABUJA, Nigeria --Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola, a leader of Bible traditionalists in the Anglican world, says the "the moment of decision is almost upon us" about whether Anglican conservatives and liberals can stay together.

In a statement Monday, Akinola said that theological conservatives cannot stand by as the U.S. Episcopal Church -- the Anglican body in the U.S. -- and the Anglican Church of Canada move toward full acceptance of gay relationships.

"We earnestly desire the healing of our beloved communion but not at the cost of rewriting the Bible to accommodate the latest cultural trend," Akinola said. "We cannot turn away from the source of life and love for a temporary truce."

Conservatives believe the Bible bars same-sex relationships. Liberals believe that the overarching message of Scripture is full acceptance for all people.

In 2003, Episcopalians consecrated the first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. In Canada, the Diocese of New Westminster approved blessing ceremonies in 2002 for same-gender partners. And in June of this year, the Canadian church passed a resolution stating that the ceremonies do "not conflict with the doctrine" of the church. Canon lawyers are trying to determine whether that measure, in fact, gives approval for the ceremonies churchwide.

The U.S. church has apologized repeatedly for not fully consulting with other Anglicans before consecrating Robinson, but has not apologized for electing him.

The communion's spiritual leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, is scheduled to meet with the Episcopal House of Bishops in New Orleans next month.

At that gathering, the U.S. bishops must respond to demands from Anglican leaders that they unequivocally pledge by Sept. 30 not to consecrate another openly gay bishop or risk losing their full membership in the communion.


Chinese Government Launches Nationwide Campaign Against Uncontrolled Religious Activities

Massive Arrests Occurr in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, and Anhui

MIDLAND, Texas, Aug. 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- China Aid learned that Chinese central government has launched a nationwide targeted campaign to clamp down the so-called "illegal religious activities" since mid-July 2007. Reports indicate massive arrests have occurred in at least 8 provinces including Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi and Anhui. Some are still being detained for receiving bibles while some were persecuted by having their water and electricity cut off by the government because of hosting Sunday schools at home.

Photo: the criminal detention notice to Xinjiang Christian businessman Zhou Heng for receiving 2 tons of Bibles

According to a report posted at the official website on July 6 by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), Mr. LIU Jiaguo, deputy Minister of MPS, urged all local officials to start a one month campaign to "severely crack down illegal religion and evil religious activities" in order to eliminate the political unstable elements in the countryside. (The Chinese text of his speech can be viewed in both the official news report and MPS website)

According to CAA investigators reports:

Seven house church leaders have been detained since August 21 from a house church meeting in Inner Mongolia. Four pastors from Liaoning province including pastor QIN Tao(29 year-old), WANG Cong (34 year-old), WANG Shengjun(34 year-old), WANG Youjun(47 year-old) along with three Christian women leaders from Inner Mongolia were taken away from their worship location at Leizhiwa village, Kouhe town, Kulun Qi, Inner Mongolia. They are detained at the PSB office of Kulun Qi now.
One church leader was detained with two others and all three were wounded during a raid of a house church at Jianhu city, Jiangsu province on August 19 while the believers were having their Sunday worship service. That same church was attacked on July 11 when they hosted a summer VBS for 150 children.
Three church leaders from Henan, Anhui and Shanxi were detained for five days when they took some Sunday school literature from a house church at Zaolin village, Guanjin town, Xincai county, Henan province on August 17.
Three church leaders were detained from 5 to 10 days as administrative punishment on August 9 while they were having a worship meeting at Qinghe town, Yutai town, Shandong province. The names of the detained are pastor DU Dafeng, CHENG Zhenan and Ms. Yue Ying.
A well-known Christian businessman Mr. ZHOU Heng has been under criminal detention since August 3. He was arrested when he tried to pick up 2 tons of Bibles at a bus station sent by someone from another province to distribute to local believers. A number of local house church leaders and believers had been questioned since then. According to his detention paper sent to Mr. ZHOU's wife CHEN Jihong, brother Zhou Heng was put "on criminal detention on suspicion of illegal business operation at 21:00 on August 3, 2007." He could face up to 15 years imprisonment if convicted. Currently, ZHOU Heng is being detained at Xishan Detention Center by Urumqi Municipal Public Security Bureau, Xinjiang. The Chinese government only allows the official sanctioned churches to print and distribute limited number of bibles.
On July 14, 2007, Sister Kong Lingrong and several young Christians between the ages of 10 to 15 were reading the Bible and praying in the house when Li Zhizhong, head of Company 4, Regiment 31, 2nd Agricultural Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps of the Communist Party of China, Wang Cairong, deputy director of the company, Zhang Chunlan, the political director, and Jiang Wei, member of the security staff of the company, came in and said this was an illegal gathering and that children are not allowed to believe in Jesus. Sister Kong Lingrong told them that she was only reading some Bible passages to them and telling them how to be a true human being. Sister Kong also showed them a copy of "United Nations Convention on Children's Rights." They asked: "Where did you get these things?" They questioned the students and asked them which grades they are in and who are their class instructors. After that, the persecution against sister KONG intensified. Sister KONG was told she conducted illegal gatherings at her home. They also ordered her to write a statement of self-criticism and self- examination on this matter. On July 20, Wu Zhilu, deputy political commissar of the company, four policemen from the local police station, six leaders and over 20 people from the TV station, water station, and five to six other work units, stopped electricity and water services to Sister Kong Lingrong's house. It was reported in that night's news program on the company's TV channel.

Ruan Boping: Regiment leader of Regiment 31, 2nd Agricultural Division, Xinjiang Construction Corps. Office Tel: +86-996-435-0666
Political Commissar of Regiment 31, 2nd Agricultural Division, Xinjiang Construction Corps. Office Tel: +86- 996-435-0046
Comprehensive Management Office of Regiment 31, 2nd Agricultural Division, Xinjiang Construction Corps. Office Tel: +86-996-435-0015 Phone number of Sister Kong Lingrong's residence +86-996-435-3020
Public Security Bureau

"The Chinese church believers are faithful peace- makers in building a stable moral society in China," said Rev. Bob Fu, President of CAA. "We call upon the Chinese government to correct this grave misunderstanding by allowing these faithful to contribute more social service without fear of arrest and retribution."

© Issued by CAA on August 24, 2007

Christian Newswire

CNN Defames Christianity, Again

FT. LAUDERDALE, Aug. 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Gary Cass, Chairman and CEO of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, expressed his disappointment with CNN in its continuing attack on conservative Christianity.

"CNN has done a great disservice by associating Christians, who believe in the power of prayer, the Bible and lawfully influencing the political process with those who blow up innocent people," said Cass. "There is no moral equivalency between sincere Christians who peacefully work to bring change and terrorists who are violent. By lumping Christian religious conservatives into a series that began with a focus on terrorism it creates an impression of guilt by association.

"We don't need CNN to give the impression that Christians condone violence or are in any way like other extremist religious groups. In the few, isolated incidences where individual Christians have violated the non-violent principles of Christ they have been roundly condemned by the Christian community. It would have been much more responsible of CNN to portray the Christian right as a religiously motivated reform movement and not to have associated them with radical violent movements."

Dr. Cass just returned from Iraq after meeting with Prime Minister Maliki and other high ranking Iraqi officials regarding religious liberty in Iraq. In 1980, Cass began working behind the Iron Curtain with the persecuted church in the Soviet Union. For twenty years he served as a minister in San Diego and is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. In 2004, Cass, recognized for his leadership in the pro- life movement and for helping Christians get elected, was made the Executive Director of The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, an outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy. Dr. Cass is the author of Gag Order and co-author of The Bible and the Black Board and has appeared in national and regional TV, radio and print media including ABC World News Tonight and the Washington Post.

Christian Newswire

Friday, August 24, 2007

An Abortionist's Nightmare

From the Desk of Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.
August 24, 2007
An Abortionist's Nightmare

Dear Friends,

My column this week will give you some insights into abortionists that you probably haven't heard before. Unless we know who these people are and "what makes them tick," we won't be able to bring an end to what they are doing. Please pass this message along!

Monday, August 27 begins our prayer novena in honor of Mother Teresa, leading up to the tenth anniversary of her death on September 5. Please go to and click on the Mother Teresa Novena link, which is front and center. You can download the prayer that we invite you to say each day. Let us know that you are saying it, so we can measure the number of people who are participating. You will also have an opportunity to share with us online how Mother Teresa's life, example, and teachings have influenced you, and to read how she has influenced others.

And please don't hesitate to give us your opinion in our online poll, posted at The question changes monthly, so there are only a few more days in which to give your response to the August question.

As you read my column this week, I'm doing a lot of radio and TV taping in Dallas, TX for our "Life on the Line" radio show and our "Gospel of Life" TV show. I hope you receive them both and pass along to others the schedule of when they can tune in. If neither of these programs is available in your community, you can nevertheless hear them each week online, at and at

Here are some of our upcoming topics and media schedules:

I will be celebrating the live televised Mass at EWTN on Monday, September 10. The Mass airs live at 8am and repeats at 12noon, 7pm and at 12midnight on Tuesday, September 11. (all times Eastern). You can listen to the Mass on the internet at

Defending Life Television: Watch on EWTN, Friday at 10:00pm and Saturday at 2:30am. Listen on EWTN radio, Friday at 1am, Saturday at 6:30pm and Sunday at 5am. (all times Eastern)

August 24-26: Elections, Churches and the Law

August 31-September 2: Responding to Common Arguments about abortion and information about Priests for Life

Gospel of Life Television: Watch on Sky Angel satellite, Angel One, every Monday at 3:30am, Tuesday at 2:00 am, Thursday at 8:30am and Saturday at 7:30pm - It also airs on Catholic Familyland ( (Sky Angel channel 9717) - Sunday at 1:00 am, Monday at 9:00 am and Thursday at 11:30 pm. (All Times Eastern)

Week of August 26: The D&E Procedure

Week of September 2: The Supreme Court's Latest Abortion Decision. Guest: Dan McConchie.

Life on the Line Radio: Go to for stations and airing times.

August 25-26: Seeing Abortion. I welcome Bill Calvin of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform, to talk about the creative ways he?s using to help America see and reject abortion.

September 1-2: Sexual Integrity. I welcome Carrie Abbott to the program to talk about teaching Sexual Integrity and how that will influence the fight for a culture of life.

Please tune in and spread the word! In fact, you can help us - and your whole parish - by asking your pastor to place in the parish bulletin an announcement about our TV shows. Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!

Blessings and prayers,
Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.
National Director, Priests for Life


An Abortionist's Nightmare

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Dr. McArthur Hill used to kill babies for a living. Now he has repented. At a conference of former abortionists, he shared the nightmares he had:

"In my nightmares I would deliver a healthy newborn baby and I would take that healthy newborn baby and I would hold it up, and I would face a jury of faceless people and ask them to tell me what to do with this baby. They would go thumbs-up or thumbs-down and if they made a thumbs-down indication then I was to drop the baby into a bucket of water which was present. I never did reach the point of dropping the baby into the bucket because I'd always wake up at that point. But it was clear to me then that there was something going on in my mind, subconsciously."

I have helped abortionists make the transition from killing babies to repentance, and can attest that Dr. Hill's experience is not uncommon. In fact, his nightmare reveals some common aspects of the suffering of abortionists.

Notice, first of all, that Dr. Hill has in his hands a "healthy newborn baby." Abortions are done on healthy unborn babies, but in this nightmare, the doctor's conscience is reminding him that a baby is a baby, and that the lies of abortion propagandists who try to make the public think that abortion is only done for "health reasons" are exactly that - lies.

More significant still is the fact that the abortionist is holding the baby up in front of a group of people. What happened to the "private, personal" nature of abortion? Abortionists know better. It's a public industry, a public battle, and like it or not, the world has its eyes on them. They are committing that wrong which humanity itself, in the judgment of history, knows to be the same wrong that constitutes genocide and holocausts. Yes, this "private" act is really as public as can be.

The abortion propagandists try to paint this issue as "a woman's choice and hers alone." But the abortionist's nightmare tells us a different story. The mother is absent. It is society, represented by a jury of his peers, that is making the choice. This represents both the abortionist's resentment as well as his attempt to evade responsibility. "It's not that I favor killing babies," many abortionists will say. "It's that either I provide this service or someone else will do so, in a less professional way. Society has made this choice available, which is a good thing, but somebody has to carry it out."

Finally, the jury is "faceless." Of course it is. Nobody wants to claim responsibility for legal abortion. Legislators blame the courts; judges blame precedent; others blame the "law of the land."

It's time for the abortionists nightmare to wake us all up! Now is the time for us to put our own face on this issue, and claim responsibility to break through the faceless crowd and declare, "The killing stops here! I will no longer be silent!"

This column can be found online at

Fr. Frank's columns can be heard via podcast. See for more details.

Fr. Frank's columns can be listened to in MP3 format at


La pesadilla de un abortero

El Dr. McArthur Hill se ganaba la vida matando niños. Ahora se ha arrepentido. Durante una conferencia de ex-aborteros, narró sus pesadillas:

"En mis pesadillas asistía al nacimiento de un bebé sano, tomaba a ese bebé sano y lo levantaba, después miraba a un jurado de gente sin rostro a quienes les pedía que me dijeran lo que tenía que hacer con el niño. Ellos hacían un gesto con los pulgares hacia arriba o hacia abajo y si señalaban hacia abajo con el pulgar entonces debía arrojar al bebé en un balde de agua que se encontraba allí mismo. Nunca llegué a tirar al bebé en el balde porque en ese momento siempre me despertaba. Sin embargo, para mi era obvio que algo estaba pasando en mi mente, de manera subconsciente."

He ayudado a muchos aborteros a hacer la transición del asesinato de bebés al arrepentimiento y puedo dar fe que la experiencia del Dr. Hill no es infrecuente. De hecho, su pesadilla revela algunos aspectos comunes del sufrimiento de los aborteros.

En primer lugar, observen que el Dr. Hill tiene en sus manos un niño recién nacido "sano." Los abortos se practican a niños sanos que van a nacer, pero en esta pesadilla la conciencia del doctor le está recordando que un bebé es un bebé y que las mentiras de la propaganda pro-aborto que quieren hacer creer al público que el aborto se practica solamente por "razones de salud" son exactamente eso: mentiras.

Más significativo aún es el hecho que el abortero muestra el bebé a un grupo de gente. ?Que pasó con la naturaleza "privada y personal" del aborto? Los abortistas lo saben. Es una industria pública, una batalla pública y aunque no les guste, el mundo los está mirando. Están cometiendo actos malos que la humanidad misma, en el juicio de la historia, considera igualmente malos que el genocidio y los holocaustos. Así es, este acto "privado" es en realidad algo público.

Los propagandistas del aborto quieren presentar esta cuestión como "la elección de una mujer y nada más." Pero la pesadilla del abortero cuenta una historia diferente. La madre está ausente. Es la sociedad representada por un jurado de pares, la que está haciendo la elección. Esto representa tanto el resentimiento del abortero como su intento de evadir la responsabilidad que le cabe. "No es que yo esté a favor del asesinato de bebés," dicen muchos abortistas. "Se trata simplemente de proveer un servicio que si yo no lo presto, algún otro prestará con menos profesionalismo. La sociedad ha dispuesto que esta elecci?n esté disponible, y eso es bueno, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo."

Finalmente, el jurado "no tiene rostro." ?Por supuesto! Nadie quiere hacerse cargo del aborto legal. Los legisladores le echan la culpa a las cortes, los jueces a la jurisprudencia, otros señalan a la "ley de la nación."

¡Es hora de que las pesadillas de los aborteros nos despierten a todos! Este es el momento de poner nuestro propio rostro en esta cuestión y asumir la responsabilidad que nos toca, saliendo de la multitud sin rostro para proclamar: ¡Hasta aquí llegó el asesinato! ¡De ahora en adelante no callaré!

Esta columna se puede encontrar en la página de Internet

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Taking Abortion Blood Money - As Long as No One Knows

WICHITA, Kans., Aug. 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Day laborers working at George Tiller's late-term abortion clinic today drew the attention of pro-lifers when they arrived in a white pick up with blue masking tape covering the business name painted on the side.

"These men are more than willing to take Tiller's blood money as long as no one knows they are doing it," said Operation President Troy Newman. "It says a lot about a company when they cover their name in order to do business with an abortion clinic. It shows they understand that what they are doing is wrong and will likely hurt their business. There is no other reason to hide the identity of their business."

The two men loaded a number of boxes into a U-Haul truck, from Tiller's private garage which is attached to the abortion clinic.

The mysterious workers came just one day after Operation Rescue announced that a Lowe's truck was spotted at the infamous late-term abortion mill delivering drywall and other materials. The home improvement company has received a number of phone call complaints about them doing business with Tiller, who has been charged with 19 counts of committing illegal late-term abortions.

"If the two men working at Tiller's today are so ashamed of servicing his abortion business, then maybe they should have just refused the job," said Newman. "Apparently some people will do anything for money."

"The Bible tells us to expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and I can't think of anything darker than to do work for an abortionist that will help him keep his mill open, and then accept money in payment made off the backs of dead babies," said Newman. "If anyone recognizes the men in the photographs we are publishing, we encourage you to boycott their business and pray for their souls."

Tiller reopened his clinic to abortion patients on Wednesday after being closed for a record 25 consecutive days. Abortionists LeRoy Carhart and Tiller both were seen reporting for a day of grisly first trimester abortions.

Click Here For Photos

About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Christian Newswire

Anglicans Plan to Send Clergy to America

The Nation (Nairobi)

24 August 2007
Posted to the web 23 August 2007

The Anglican Church of Kenya will ordain two bishops to serve in the United States of America.

The bishops will be ordained next week to minister to its faithful and clergy in the US in the wake of a split in the global Anglican community pitying anti-gay clergy predominantly in Africa against opponents in America.

Consecration and enthronement of Reverends Canon Dr Will Gillespie Atwood and William Leo Murdoch as Suffragan Bishops will mark ACK's first actual steps towards reinforcing its anti-gay stance and safeguard its international interests.

According to ACK head office, the two bishops will provide care and a safe haven to ACK's faithful and clergy living in US and Canada where church leaders have openly come out to support gay rights.

Preside over

The men of the cloth will be consecrated at the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi at a special ceremony to be presided over by Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi on Thursday.

ACK's decision to spread its wings to America follows months of consultations with other Anglican Church provinces around the world opposed to gay relations.

The 72-member global Anglican communion is facing a split over gay rights. This follows moves in some countries to appoint gay and female priests. African branches have vehemently opposed gay clergy. In 2003, the Episcopal Church, the Anglican body in the US named Rev Gene Robinson who confessed to be gay, bishop of New Hampshire. The action was met with angry disapproval from church followers around the world opposed to gay relationships.

The division pits wealthy provinces notably in the US and Canada in North America against another group concentrated in Africa and Asia.

Gay Episcopal bishop to enter civil partnership before Lambeth Conference

Boston, Aug. 23, 2007 ( - An openly homosexual Episcopal bishop will enter into a civil partnership with his lover just prior to the Lambeth Conference, the Church of England Newspaper reports.

Bishop Gene Robinson, whose ordination as head of the New Hampshire diocese in 2003 has caused severe strains in the worldwide Anglican communion, has announced plans to enter a formal civil partnership in June, just before the Lambeth meeting of the world's Anglican leaders.

Bishop Robinson denies that he has timed the ceremony to focus publicity on his status as the Lambeth meeting begins; he told a BBC interviewer that "my critics would find any date impermissible." Robinson said that he was only taking advantage of a new state law allowing registration of civil partnerships. The New Hampshire law took effect on January 1.

Amnesty International Says Abortion on Demand is a Human Right

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- "What Amnesty International is really demanding, as a human right, is abortion on demand," said World Congress of Families Global Coordinator Larry Jacobs.

Jacobs was responding to the announcement that Amnesty International's national chapters have confirmed a decision, made by its board of directors in April, to designate abortion a human right if the mother's life or health is at risk.

"Health is usually interpreted to include the mother's mental health," Jacobs noted. "It isn't difficult to find a mental health professional willing to declare that any unplanned pregnancy is a threat to the emotional well- being of the woman in question."

Jacobs continued: "Thus, when Amnesty International says there's a human right to abortion when the mother's life or health is endangered, it's really a call for unlimited access to abortion."

Amnesty International will use its new policy to pressure pro-life countries into allowing more and more access to abortion.

Amnesty International's policy here has drawn a sharp response. Cardinal Renato Martino - president of the Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice and a speaker at World Congress of Families III - said Catholics worldwide will boycott A.I., a sentiment endorsed by Bishop William Skylstad, president of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference.

"Try to imagine Amnesty International defending the right-to-life of the most vulnerable among us," Jacobs asked. "You can't, because Amnesty International is a leftwing group, with a leftwing agenda - including abortion on demand - masquerading as a human rights organization."

In May, World Congress of Families IV was held in Poland, attracting more than 3,500 delegates from over 60 countries. For more information on the World Congress of Families, including the Warsaw Report on World Congress of Families IV, visit

To schedule an interview with Larry Jacobs, global coordinator of the World Congress of Families, contact Carol Griesbach 1-800-461-3113.

The World Congress of Families (WCF) is an international network of pro-family organizations, scholars, leaders and people of goodwill from more than 60 countries that seeks to restore the natural family as the fundamental social unit and the 'seedbed' of civil society. The WCF was founded in 1997 by Allan Carlson and is a project of The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society in Rockford, Illinois ( To date, there have been four World Congresses of Families - Prague (1997), Geneva (1999), Mexico City (2004) and Warsaw, Poland (2007).

Christian Newswire

Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Responds to CNN's Special 'God's Warriors'

FT. LAUDERDALE, Aug. 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Gary Cass, Chairman and CEO of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, will be available to the media to respond to tonight's airing of CNN's program "God's Warriors," hosted by Christina Amanpour. Tonights program which will look at Christianity.

"It will be interesting to see if Amanpour's attitude can transcend that of CNN's founder Ted Turner," said Cass. "CNN is generally perceived to be biased against Christians."

Ted Turner: Christians are "bozos" and "Christianity is for losers" and the Ten Commandments "out of date," especially the one against adultery.

Bill Press: Host of CNN's Crossfire speaking of conservative evangelicals; "Their religion is so narrow, and its so mean, and its so ugly, and so intolerant, and its so un-Christian."

Anderson Cooper's 360 interviewed Christopher Hitchen's who, within hours of his death, called Jerry Falwell, "a little toad... a horrible little person... an evil old man... a conscious charlatan and bully and fraud."

Dr. Cass just returned from Iraq after meeting with Prime Minister Maliki and other high ranking Iraqi officials regarding religious liberty in Iraq. In 1980, Cass began working behind the Iron Curtain with the persecuted church in the Soviet Union. For twenty years he served as a minister in San Diego and is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. In 2004, Cass, recognized for his leadership in the pro- life movement and for helping other Christians get elected for political office was made the Executive Director of The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, An Outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy. Dr. Cass is the author of Gag Order and co-author of The Bible and the Black Board and has appeared in national and regional TV, radio and print media including ABC World News Tonight and the Washington Post.

Christian Newswire

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tiller Reopens to Sparse Business After Record Closure

Sidewalk counselors save one baby as Lowe's delivers building materials

WICHITA, Kansas, August 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- Abortionist George R. Tiller reopened his late-term abortion mill today for early term patients after having been closed a record total of 38 days. Abortionist LeRoy Carhart reported for work this morning and pro-life supporters observed six women enter the abortion clinic for abortions, far below the usual numbers.

Sidewalk Counselor Donna Lampkin reports that one baby was spared when a couple changed their minds about abortion at the gate of the clinic and became resolved to keep their baby.

"While the death of every baby is a tragedy, we rejoice in the one life that was spared, and are relieved that more children were not scheduled for death today," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger.

A delivery truck from Lowe's Home Improvement Store was seen delivering a load of drywall and other materials. Tiller supporters maintain that the clinic's closure was due to damage sustained during an incident of vandalism in early July, something Operation Rescue has doubted because there has been no evidence of building repairs until today.

Sullenger made phone calls to Lowe's corporate office, filing a complaint and asking Lowe's to stop supplying materials to Tiller's abortion business.

"The people I spoke with at Lowe's seemed concerned that this had happened, and promised to look into the matter immediately. I let them know clearly that I would not be shopping at Lowe's until this matter is resolved," said Sullenger. "If people in the community would stop doing business with Tiller, his illegal abortion clinic would be out of business sooner rather than later."

Tiller faces 19 criminal charges for having committed illegal late-term abortions and faces up to 19 years in jail if convicted.

Tiller's mill was closed for a record 25 straight days over July and August, breaking the record set during the 1991 Summer of Mercy protests of 11 straight abortion-free days. Operation Rescue moved its headquarters to Wichita to focus efforts on Tiller and his late-term abortion business.

"We are very grateful for even a temporary respite in the killing here in Wichita," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Over the years we have been blessed to see over two dozen abortion mills permanently close due to the use of our innovative new tactics. We are working very hard to make sure that the next time Tiller's abortion mill closes, it will be for good."

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Christian Newswire

Monday, August 20, 2007

America is Too Politically Correct

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- We have finally become more politically correct in America than our common sense should allow. A Roman Catholic Bishop from the Netherlands, Tiny Muskens, believes we could ease tensions between Radical Islamic followers and Christians if we stopped calling God, God and started calling Him Allah.

Father Jonathan Morris said on Fox News today, "It is really all about what language you are speaking and if you are speaking Arabic then you should call him Allah, if you are speaking English you should call Him God."

Don Swarthout, President of Christians Reviving America's Values said, "This thinking implies that we worship the same god taught by Islam, but we do not. I cannot believe the suggestion that Christians should call God by another name which would mean you are accepting another god and another religion. How can you even think about calling Allah your god when Allah wants you to kill innocent men, women and children in his name?"

'The Bible warns us very clearly about being deceived and against accepting the teachings of false prophets. Yet, according to some people, if we were to totally give up on God we would be politically correct. I don't know about you, but I will never stop calling God, God or Jesus Christ our Savior." Swarthout continued.

At least 80% of Americans say that they are Christians. Even if you are not a Christian, how would you feel about forsaking your country and the Democracy we have had since our nation began? Islamic followers believe that we should institute Sharia Law and do away with our Constitution. Maybe that would make us politically correct in their eyes.

One has to wonder, when America will wake up to the fact that being politically correct is ruining our country, our values and our future. If being politically correct means that you have to give up what America stands for and accept beliefs you strongly disagree with and that is just wrong.

According to Swarthout, "Being politically correct is something that has been forced on all of us in America and it really has nothing to do with what you believe. Instead of believing in being politically correct, let's return to the idea that thinking for yourself is an American principle that we can all accept. We must do what is right for America and not what we are told is politically correct."

Christian Newswire


By David W. Virtue

The Archbishop of Nigeria, The Most Rev. Peter Akinola, blasted the American Episcopal Church, accusing it of producing carefully nuanced, deliberately ambiguous statements, but said their actions have betrayed them. "Their intention is clear; they have chosen to walk away from the Biblically based path we once all walked together. The unrelenting persecution of the remaining faithful among them shows how they have used these past few years to isolate and destroy any and all opposition."

In his most resounding rip to date against the American church, one of 38 provinces in the Anglican Communion, Akinola tore into the church saying, "the leadership of The Episcopal Church USA (TECUSA) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) seem to have concluded that the Bible is no longer authoritative in many areas of human experience especially in salvation and sexuality. They claim to have 'progressed' beyond the clear teaching of the Scriptures and they have not hidden their intention to lead others to these same conclusions. They have even boasted that they are years ahead of others in fully understanding the truth of the Holy Scriptures and the nature of God's love."

With just seven weeks before a deadline for the Episcopal Church to be Windsor-compliant, Akinola said that hope for a unified Communion is not any brighter than it was seven months or ten years ago. "Rather, the intransigence of those who reject Biblical authority continues to obstruct our mission and it now seems that the Communion is being forced to choose between following their innovations and continuing on the path that the church has followed since the time of the Apostles."

Akinola stopped short of announcing a full-scale separation and a call not to attend Lambeth 2008 saying, "We [must] now confront the seriousness of their actions as the year for the Lambeth Conference draws near."

Citing a litany of lost opportunities over "ten long years" for both the American and Canadian churches to recant their views on sexuality and doctrine, Akinola pitched that "at a time when we should be able to gather together and celebrate remarkable stories of growth and the many wonderful ways in which our God has been at work in our beloved Communion as lives are transformed new churches built and new dioceses established there is little enthusiasm to even meet.

"Now we confront a moment of decision. If we fail to act we risk leading millions of people away from the faith revealed in the Holy Scriptures and also, even more seriously, we face the real possibility of denying our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ."

"There are continual cries for patience, listening and understanding. And yet the record shows that those who hold to the "faith once and for all delivered to the saints" have shown remarkable forbearance while their pleas have been ignored, their leaders have been demonized, and their advocates marginalized." He said the orthodox in The Episcopal Church who were upholding the faith were being derided for their stubbornness. "We have made enormous efforts since 1997 in seeking to avoid this crisis, but without success."

In a cry that all journeys must end someday, Akinola said unity could not be found at the cost of relegating Christ to the position of another "wise teacher" who can be obeyed or disobeyed. "We earnestly desire the healing of our beloved Communion but not at the cost of re-writing the Bible to accommodate the latest cultural trend."

Compromising Biblical truth leads [only ] to destruction and disunity. "We dare not sacrifice eternal truth for mere appeasement; we cannot turn away from the source of life and love for a temporary truce."

Citing John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress, Akinola said that many decisions and many crossroads confronted Pilgrim. "The easy road was never the right road. This is our moment of truth."

LIBERALS were quick to blast Akinola with one liberal blogger after another calling him a totalitarian dictator rather than "a True Shepherd of God's Flock. Archbishop Akinola is clearly blind to the world in which he lives. I would hope this is just misguided ignorance, since the alternatives include intentional deceit or megalomania."

"Archbishop Akinola has not read anything about the Bible written after Aquinas", said another.

"When any person misuses words so willfully - such as 'unrelenting persecution' - they abandon the search for Truth and tumble into the world of hateful propaganda accusing the archbishop of having '"a rigid and authoritarian world-view.'"

"This is all (ALL) paternalistic garbage - it screams of a desire to exclude, to find scapegoats, to seek purity. Only the narrow-minded, the insecure, and the arrogant - only those who believe themselves perfect and pure - act in such a way, screamed another liberal blogger. "We're better off letting them walk apart."

Retired Iowa Bishop Walter Righter who walked away from the Righter Trial, having been found "not guilty" of ordaining a known sodomite to the priesthood said, "How about what God requires??@! It is increasingly clear that what Dar es Salaam requires is all that counts and if anyone tries to say that is what God requires then they are expressing an idea counter to the core teaching of The Episcopal Church."

Said another blogger, "Perhaps this is the prelude to a grand exit. All I can say is: fling wide the doors."

In an attempt to pour oil on troubled waters, Dr. Louie Crew, the Episcopal Church's foremost homosexual protagonist said this, "...please fling wide the doors only to welcome people in or to welcome them back, but never fling wide the doors to urge people to leave. If we can patiently, persistently, lovingly wait decades for TEC to come to new understandings, can we not do the same for those in the Anglican Communion? We do not have to wait until others agree with us or even respect us before we love and respect them. The best way to end rancor in the Communion is to end our own."

For archbishops like Akinola and the rest of Africa's CAPA bishops that day is long past. There is little doubt that the end is coming for the Anglican Communion. The only question is how it will all shake out and what a new Anglican Communion will look like. Time will tell.

Amnesty International Offers No Pardon to the Unborn Says Fr. Pavone

STATEN ISLAND, Ny., Aug. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, today criticized Amnesty International's International Executive Committee for ratifying a new policy calling for the decriminalization of abortion.

"Amnesty International was founded to protect human rights, yet it now treads upon the most fundamental human right, the right to life," said Fr. Pavone. "To fail to protect the right to life renders suspect one's advocacy of any other human right."

Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

Christian Newswire

Vote Life, Canada! Condemns Amnesty International

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- Vote Life, Canada! expresses its distress at the news that Amnesty International (AI) has adopted a formal stance backing women's rights to abortion.

"Once again we have witnessed a replay of the blindness and indifference shown by Catholic Bishops in the 1960's when they offered barely a murmur against plans to legalize child killing in Canada which has claimed the lives of over 3 million Unborns to date," exclaims Eric Alcock, President of Vote Life, Canada!

Amnesty International confessed last year that it was considering a new policy advocating for women's access to abortion and calling for the worldwide decriminalization of abortion but Alcock protests that "the tragic, passionless reaction of Canadian Bishops was to simply issue a letter cautioning them against it and warning of a possible rupture in relations."

"Rather than spearheading an intense and concerted effort to mobilize Catholics against the Amnesty move, they simply spouted a few words." Considering that Amnesty International has 67,000 members in its Canadian branch, probably a majority being Catholic, Alcock says the massive threat of a national bailout of members could have exercised tremendous clout in discouraging AI from their present course.

Vote Life, Canada! asks then how concerned were the Bishops that a new holocaust of the Unborn was about to be spawned by AI? Already about 46 million Unborns perish annually through the violent act of abortion worldwide. Safe in their ivory towers, were the Bishops expecting the UN, or President Bush or perhaps the Pope to descend upon last week's AI meeting in Mexico City and derail AI's plans to sign a death warrant against possibly millions more of unborn children throughout the world?

Alcock wonders then who it was that the Bishops expected to act against the magnitude of such a worldwide evil. Are presidents and prime ministers, law enforcement agencies, or the UN commissioned to battle, refute and defeat false ideologies and evildoers? If Catholic Bishops are not entrusted with the responsibility to defeat demon-inspired plans such as this, then who in society shall we look to? To whom did Jesus Christ give authority "to overcome all the power of the enemy"? Was Jesus Christ, Son of God, suffering delusion when he spoke those words and commissioned his apostles?

Woe to the Catholic Bishops of Canada who now share in the blood of a new and vast ocean of murdered Unborns appearing just on the horizon.

Christian Newswire

Saturday, August 18, 2007

ENGLAND: Williams 'set to be manipulated'

Church of England Newspaper
August 17, 2007

THE ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury's Sept 20-21 meeting with members of the US House of Bishops in New Orleans will seek to manipulate Dr Williams into giving the Episcopal Church a clean bill of health so as to preserve its place in the Communion.

Conservative American leaders claim the Episcopal Church will seek to resurrect a report presented to the February Primates' Meeting prepared by a small group within the Joint Primates-ACC Standing Committee that said the Episcopal Church had met two of the three requests of the Windsor Report and deserve a reprieve.

The meeting will be used to "manipulate" Dr Williams, the Bishop of Fort Worth, the Rt Rev Jack Iker said on July 31. The leaders of the American House of Bishops believe "If we can talk to Rowan, face to face, we can convince him of the rightness of our position and that he will stand with us," he said.

Bishop Iker noted this scenario was not unrealistic. "As you will remember the subgroup report that initially came to the Dar es Salaam meeting, which nobody else had seen but presumably Rowan Williams had seen, tried to give the Episcopal Church pass marks on whether we complied with the Windsor Report recommendations or not," he said.

The US Bishops will seek to "revive that subgroup report" and come out of the New Orleans meeting with Dr Williams "validating" that position.

At the June meeting of the US Church's Executive Council, the Bishop of New Westminster, Canada, the Rt Rev Michael Ingham, urged the US church to use its time with Dr Williams constructively and get him to listen.

Dr Williams' March meeting with the Canadian bishops, he said, had been structured so that while

Dr Williams was given time to speak to the Canadian bishops, the bishops were not allotted time to speak to Dr Williams.

The Episcopal Church's New York office has announced that the two-day meeting with Dr Williams will be closed to the press, and have released no details on how the time will be organised.

The Bishop of Quincy, the Rt Rev Keith Ackerman stated that past Bishops meetings conformed to a "well manipulated system."

The Bishops would "meet in small groups, reporting back but never hearing the results of the reporting back" and the bishops would be kept busy "by talking about any number of subjects."

With this "mechanism in place, whoever is handling the process will get precisely what they want," he said.