Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama Lied

New Book, The Case Against Barack Obama, Sets the Record Straight

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Obama camp is now acknowledging that Barack Obama lied about his abortion voting record on the born-alive bill, as reported weeks ago in New York Times Bestseller The Case Against Barack Obama by David Freddoso.

The NY Sun reported today that Obama's campaign has admitted that the senator voted against giving medical care to babies born alive after an abortion attempt - a fact that the campaign originally dismissed as a "smear." The reality behind the Obama rhetoric is that he worked against efforts to ban the gruesome practice of leaving babies who survived failed abortions to die. When confronted with the facts, Freddoso says he did what is typical among politicians--he lied.

In fact, Freddoso points out in The Case Against Barack Obama, that Obama has made several untrue statements of the course of this debate:

  • Obama said that he would have supported the federal version of the Born-Alive Bill if it had come up in Illinois-it did. He didn't support it.

  • Obama falsely called the National Right to Life Committee, and those who have been pointing out his extreme and cruel position on this issue, liars.

  • Even in his book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama smears all pro-lifers saying they have discouraged compromise that would reduce the number of partial- birth abortions simply because the image of a partial birth abortion helps win converts to pro-life groups.

  • The Case Against Barack Obama is currently #5 on the New York Times Bestseller List. It's been received with much acclaim as the first book to truly prove that Obama has earned his liberal label and his claim to be a reformer is a lie.

    To schedule an interview with David Freddoso, author of The Case Against Barack Obama, contact Mary Beth Hutchins at 703.683.5004 x 105 or by e-mail at

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