Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama, Biden, Abortion, and the Catholic Church: Protests, Vigils, Banners, and Lit Drops Begin at Catholic Churches

Denver Schedule Below for Catholic Churches and Protests from Sat 8/23 to Mon 8/25
DENVER, August 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Randall Terry states: "Obama jumped into political and religious quicksand by picking Biden; Catholic Bishops and voters will determine whether the Obama/Biden ticket sinks into political oblivion on November 4."

"The question is: Will Catholic bishops be courageous and clear, or will they equivocate or remain aloof? If Catholic Bishops, Priests, and laity put Catholic teaching on human life the ahead of the Democrat Party, Obama is doomed.

"The words of John Paul II are clear; the issue is our courage and obedience. It is our job to make Holy Noise at every level; at our Cathedrals, our parishes, in print, on the web - boldly declaring: 'No Catholic may in good conscience vote for Obama, because of his support of child-killing.'" -- Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue

(We have created the following banner, newspaper ads for diocesan newspapers, and brochures for Catholics to use nationwide at no charge.)

3' x 5' Color Banner: "A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Dead Children" (Warning: graphic image)

Newspaper Ad: "Wanted: Catholics to Rescue the Innocent" (Currently running in Denver Catholic Register)

Brochure: "Is it Immoral to vote for Obama for President?" (Quotes John Paul II on Catholic teaching.)

What follows is Catholic Dogma; any Catholic who contradicts this is betraying Church Teaching:

"When a parliamentary or social majority decrees that It is legal, at least under certain conditions, to kill unborn human life, is it not really making a 'tyrannical' decision with regard to the weakest and most defenseless of human beings?...In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to take part in a propaganda campaign in favour of such a law, or vote for it....The moral gravity of procured abortion is apparent in all its truth if we recognize we are dealing with murder." John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae

Saturday 8/23 Schedule:

5:00 P.M: Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate; Lit Drop, and Large Graphic Banners, "A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Dead Children" (showing a dead child) at 1530 Logan St, Denver, 80203. Banners will be used after Mass.

6:30 P.M: Heritage Christian Center (African American Church) Lit Drop, Graphic Banners. 9495 East Florida Ave, Denver, 80247

8- 10 P.M. Graphic Banners at Elitch Gardens: 2000 Elitch Circle, Denver, 80204, at closed event for media.

Sunday 8/24 Schedule:

10:30 A.M: Catholic Cathedral Lit drop and Banners (details above)

1:30 - 4:00: P.M. Interfaith Gathering; denouncing treachery against innocent life. Wells Fargo Theatre, Colorado Convention Center; 700 14th St.

6:30 P.M: Catholic Cathedral Lit drop and Banners (details above)

Monday 8/25:

10:00 AM African American Caucus

12 Noon: Hispanic Caucus

2 PM Opening of DNC, Pepsi Center

Note: For any media who would like to travel with our team for a short while, we have several other planned events not listed above.

Contact: Joe Landry 406-860-9738; 904-687-9804

Christian Newswire