Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Standing Committee of Northwest Texas Reports on Bishop Search Process

Perhaps Mrs Schori could roll this liberal diocese under a bishop that could bring them back into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church like...Fort Worth


Not yet able to present three candidates to the diocese, and electing convention delayed until at least June.

From Stand Firm
Sarah Hey

[received via email]

March 18, 2008

TO: Members of the Diocese of Northwest Texas
FROM: The Rev. Clifton A. Mann, Standing Committee President

I am writing to you from the Standing Committee to bring you up to date on our progress with regard to electing a Bishop for the Diocese of Northwest Texas. The Nominating Committee, under the leadership of Cliff Craig, has been working since September, 2007 to prepare a list of Nominees to submit to the Diocese.

As provided in Canon 45(6), the Nominating Committee endeavored to prepare a list of 3 to 5 Nominees and submit that list to the Standing Committee no later than 60 days before the date of the electing convention, originally scheduled for May 3, 2008. Unfortunately, when the deadline arrived, there were only two Nominees who could be presented.

At the request of the Standing Committee, the Nominating Committee went back to ask certain nominees who had withdrawn their names if they would reconsider their earlier decision and reengage the discernment process. One of those Nominees did consent to once again commence dialogue with the committee. The Nominating Committee is now completing the parts of their process which were left undone at the time of the candidate’s withdrawal.

We on the Standing Committee expect, God willing, to receive the Nominating Committee’s report the Second week in April. If that comes to pass, an early election will be scheduled. If not, we will have to consider our alternatives. At any rate, it is clear that there will NOT be an electing Convention as previously hoped, on May 3, 2008.


Posted March 20, 2008 at 6:47 am
The URL for this article is http://www.standfirminfaith.com/index.php/site/article/11016/