Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Heart Warming News of Gov. Spitzer's Resignation

BRONX, Ny., March 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following statement regarding Governor Spitzer's resignation is issued by Chris Slattery, NY State Pro-Life Leader:

"The great news of the resignation of America's most pro-abortion Governor warms my heart because this man has had nothing but contempt for women whom he has treated as objects for years, as a John, and as a militant advocate of ill advised unsafe abortion expansion, at the expense of women, in New York State," said Chris Slattery of Expectant Mother Care- EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers in New York City.

As a leading operator EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers in New York City with a dozen locations of women's help centers, Slattery defended against what he called "an unwarranted and intrusive investigative attack and witch hunt of life-saving help centers for women" by former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer in early 2002.

After a bruising back and forth six week campaign against 24 different crisis pregnancy center sites that year, AG Spitzer was forced to withdraw his politically motivated subpenas.

According to Slattery, "Governor Spitzer has most recently proposed a new legislative bill in Albany called the "Reproductive Health and Privacy Protection Act" that declares that women have a "fundamental right" to abortion in New York State, including in the third trimester without restriction, which would allow non-physician abortions, and force religious hospitals including Catholic ones to actually perform abortions." "No health safeguards for women were included in the legislation," Slattery claimed.

"Although we cannot gloat for the personal failures of this man, and we pray for his sad family, anytime a major abortion leader in this country falls to his or her own vices it offers that person and our country a time of deep reflection on the true meaning and purpose of life," Slattery added.

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