Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rosary Rallies Planned for Fatima Anniversary

HANOVER, Penn., July 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ninety years after the Marian apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, Catholics are gearing up to commemorate its jubilee anniversary with two thousand public square rosary rallies. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are coordinating the event set for October 13, the day of the Miracle of the Sun.

"So far the campaign has received enthusiastic support. Over 537 Catholic activists already volunteered to hold peaceful rosary rallies in their respective cities," said Robert Ritchie, executive director of America Needs Fatima.

The Catholic group's web site ( offers visitors a wide array of online material to start a rosary rally, such as posters, banners, rosaries, and a detailed map of the nation announcing rally locations by state. It also lists over twenty universities and colleges where students have started Campus Rosary Crusade chapters to pray the rosary in public locations each month.

"An amazing network is forming to honor the Mother of God and pray for the conversion of America," said Mr. Ritchie. "It's important to remember that Our Lady of Fatima appeared asking mankind to stop offending God in order to avert punishment. She asked for prayer, penance and amendment of life," he continued. "However, God continues to be offended. Just consider how abortion, pornography, blasphemy and sins against nature are so widespread."

"There's a brutal Cultural Revolution undermining the moral values of our country, and the best response to that is public prayer. If anything can reverse the moral crisis in society, it's the power of the Rosary," Mr. Ritchie added. "There's nothing more powerful spiritually."

The American TFP was founded in 1973. Its America Needs Fatima campaign has over 120,000 members nationwide. According to its web site, the TFP organized 2,092 prayer rallies last year against The Da Vinci Code, a film it called "anti-Catholic" and "blasphemous."

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