Wednesday, July 11, 2007

National Pro-Life Religious Council Praises Life of Harold O.J. Brown

WASHINGTON, July 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leaders of the National Pro- Life Religious Council (NPRC) today praised the life of theologian Harold O. J. Brown, who died Sunday after a long battle with cancer.

"Dr. Brown was a giant in the struggle against the culture of death," said Fr. Pavone, President of the NPRC. "Of how many people can it be said that countless lives were saved by their work? Yet that is undoubtedly true of a man who not only provided spiritual and intellectual leadership for the pro-life movement, but also co-founded what is now the Care Net network of pregnancy care centers. His legacy lives on with the lives he helped save, the minds he inspired, and the souls he touched. I will miss him."

Dennis DiMauro, Secretary of the NPRC, was a student when he first knew the Christian leader. "Harold O. J. Brown was my thesis advisor at Reformed Theological Seminary and one of my true heroes in the faith," said DiMauro. "Dr. Brown was a towering intellect and a man who possessed a deep faith in Jesus Christ."

"I remember discussing with him current efforts to end the tragedy of abortion that still deeply traumatizes this nation," added DiMauro, "and it was apparent to me that his devotion to the defense of the unborn was paramount. He was also a man of true independent conviction and courage, attributes that are not often seen in today's public discourse. Indeed, it is rare to find a person who possesses a love for God, a mind for God, and who also has the mettle to truly work for the Kingdom of God. I knew such a person in Dr. Harold O. J. Brown."

Christian Newswire