Thursday, March 29, 2007

Former 'Roe' Joins Battle to Reinstate Tiller Charges as KS House Falters

TOPEKA, Kans., Mar. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The former "Roe" of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision that decriminalized abortion in America has announced her support for the Kansas House Resolution that would require Attorney General Paul Morrison to reinstate 30 criminal charges related to illegal late-term abortions against George R. Tiller of Wichita.

Norma McCorvey, who was represented as Jane Roe in the landmark abortion case is now a pro-life activist and works to overturn the decision that led to abortion on demand.

McCorvey has sent a letter to each member of the Kansas House saying in part, "As the woman who helped make abortion 'legal' in America, I urge you to do everything in your power to stop one of the worst abortionists in America. George Tiller MUST be punished for the crimes he has committed-and you can help make that happen."

The resolution passed out of the Federal and State Affairs Committee on Monday, but is now being delayed and may never reach the floor of the House for a full vote as time continues to tick on the legislative season. Morrison told the committee in a letter on Tuesday that he alone would decided it charges against Tiller would be filed.

"Any further charges will be based on my professional judgment, not legislative action or political calculations," Morrison stated.

Charges against Tiller, filed by Morrison's predecessor Phill Kline, were dismissed on shaky jurisdictional grounds even though other two judges who saw the evidence ruled that there is probable cause to believe that Tiller committed the crimes. Upon taking office, Morrison fired the special independent prosecutor assigned to the case then withdrew a motion that was before the Kansas Supreme Court asking it to reinstate Tiller's criminal charges. Tiller spent hundreds of thousands of dollars through his PAC, ProKanDo, and two dubious non- profit groups to defeat Kline.

"We cannot allow justice to be subverted by backroom, under-the-table deals between dishonorable politicians and Tiller's pocket-book," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We stand with Norma McCorvey in continuing to call for the House to do everything in its power to reinstate Kansas v. Tiller, and let justice be decided in a court of law."

Read full text of McCorvey letter to the KS House members.

Please contact:
Speaker of the House Melvin

Rep. Arlen Siegfreid, Chair of the Federal and State Affairs

For those inside Kansas contact the representative from your home district. For a roster and contact information, click here.

To find your legislator, click here.

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