ACNS 4267 | ACO | 16 MARCH 2007
Article is available in German here
Madrid, 8 March 2007
The Anglican Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) = met in the Monasterio de Benedictinas de la Natividad de Nuestra = Se=F1ora in Madrid from 5 to 9 March. This was the first meeting = following the celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the Bonn = Agreement in 2006. The Council reviewed the events held during the = anniversary year, reflecting on the stimulus this has given to closer = joint life and mission.
The members reviewed the present ecumenical dialogues with which our = Communions are engaged and proposed either joint discussions with common = ecumenical dialogue partners or the possibility of sending observers to = dialogues involving our sister Communion, where appropriate.
Three major papers were presented on Anglican and Old Catholic = ecclesiological understanding. These theological reflections were = complemented by reports on the present level of collaboration between = Old Catholic and Anglican communities and future closer partnerships = between churches of both traditions. This discussion took into account = the outstanding issue of parallel jurisdictions mainly in continental = Europe. The Council took note of the evolution of terms such as = inter-communion, full communion and visible unity in describing the = relationship between our Churches since 1931. Further work on a common = statement of ecclesiological understanding, including missiological = dimensions to the Church's life, was commissioned.
Initial considerations were shared on the variety of approaches to the = challenges posed by changing sexual ethics in our societies.
The Council was grateful for the presence of Bishop Pierre Whalon, the = Bishop-in-charge of the Convocation of American Churches in Europe, as a = guest at this meeting.
Daily morning and evening prayer were celebrated and each morning a = bible study was led by a member of the Council. The Holy Eucharist was = celebrated at the Spanish Episcopal Reformed Cathedral of the Redeemer, = with the Rt Revd Carlos L=F3pez Lozano presiding. Afterwards the Council = was hosted at a reception given by the Cathedral congregation.
For further information, please contact the Revd Professor Dr Angela = Berlis, tel +31 (0)23 532 68 78, email, or the = Revd Canon Gregory K Cameron at the Anglican Communion Office, tel +44 = (0)20 7313 3900, email
The members of the Anglican Old Catholic International Co-ordination = Council are:
The Rt Revd Jonathan Gledhill - Co-Chair
The Revd Canon Gregory K Cameron - Co-Secretary
The Rt Revd David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese in Europe Mrs Maryon J=E4gers The Revd Dr Jeremy Morris
Administrative Support: The Revd Terrie Robinson
Old Catholic
The Rt Revd Fritz-Ren=E9 M=FCller - Co-Chair
The Revd Professor Dr Angela Berlis - Co-Secretary
The Revd Professor David R Holeton
The Revd Dr Harald Rein
The Revd Dr Dick Schoon
Administrative Support: The Revd Lars Simpson
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