WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- American Life League and the Bellarmine Vertias Ministry, working with the Reform CCHD Now coalition, released two separate reports Monday on United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) ties with the Center for Community Change (CCC), a stridently pro-abortion, pro- homosexuality organization.
Specifically addressed in the report from ALL is USCCB exec John Carr's simultaneous membership on the CCC board and employment with the USCCB.
In his response to Our Sunday Visitor, John Carr, who oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) failed to address the points raised in the ALL or BVM reports including:
- Why over 50 CCHD supported organizations are in some capacity engaged in pro-abortion or pro- homosexual causes
- Why Tom Chabolla, associate director of programs for CCHD, replaced Carr on the CCC board while the CCC was heavily engaged in pro-abortion, pro- homosexual advocacy
- Why 31 CCHD grantees are "partners" with the CCC
- Why Ralph McCloud, CCHD executive director, spoke at a CCC-sponsored rally for Barack Obama. McCloud, referred to Obama's election as, "a great day," and proclaimed "very soon we will see a new Jerusalem"
- Why Carr's USCCB bio omits his involvement with the CCC, while near word-for-word copies of his bio for outside activities include it
- If Carr didn't know the direction the CCC was headed while chairing the board of the organization, how will he address, as the head of the CCHD, the ongoing problem of funding for radical pro-abortion, pro- homosexual groups
Since ALL's report released Monday, both the CCC and USCCB made immediate changes to their websites which housed the evidence. CCC immediately announced it had severed ties with the Movement Vision Lab, which was a main source of criticism, and the USCCB deleted the statement on the CCHD's Poverty USA webpage calling for support of the CCC.
American Life League was cofounded in 1979 by Judie Brown. It is the largest grassroots Catholic pro- life organization in the United States and is committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to natural death. For more information or press inquiries, please contact Katie Walker at 540.659.4942.
* American Life League: Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group (01 February 2010)
* Bellarmine Veritas Ministry: Addressing the CCHD
* Our Sunday Visitor: USCCB's John Carr responds to 'unfair allegations' (01 February 2010)
* Inside Catholic: More Disturbing News about the CCHD (02 February 2010)
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