Monday, January 18, 2010

Los Angeles County Schools and Sheriff's Department Forced to Pay More Than a Quarter-Million Dollars in Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) Attorney Fees

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Pursuant to a unanimous ruling issued in favor of The Center For Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, several of its deputies, and a middle school official in the Los Angeles County School District were forced to pay $260,000 in costs and fees for infringing on CBR's constitutional right to demonstrate with graphic abortion images on the public streets in California. CBR attorneys at The Thomas More Law Center yesterday announced the processing of the Los Angeles County attorney fee award payment.

In deciding this appeal, the Ninth Circuit ruled that, "There is . . . no precedent for a 'minor' exception to the prohibition on banning speech because of listeners' reaction to its content. It would therefore be an unprecedented departure from bedrock First Amendment principles to allow the government to restrict speech based on listener reaction simply because the listeners are children."

Not content to mislead its students by covering-up the horror of abortion in the classroom, Los Angeles County tried to extend their cover-up to the public streets outside the classroom.

Ironically, while the Los Angeles County schools were wasting taxpayer money interfering with CBR's First Amendment right to expose the horror of abortion, The Los Angeles Times yesterday reported a story headlined, "L.A. schools paid $200 million more in salaries than budgeted" with a sub-headline which read "The payments occurred despite the layoffs of 2,000 teachers and hundreds of other employees."

Ironically, while the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was wasting taxpayer money interfering with CBR's First Amendment right to expose the horror of abortion, yesterday reported a story headlined, "County Budget: A Crisis of Gargantuan Proportions."

Ironically, while the Los Angeles County Schools argue that its students are old enough to obtain abortion without parental consent, school officials argue that its students are not old enough to see abortions without parental consent. Ironically, while the Los Angeles County Schools are supposed to be teaching students to respect the Constitution, school officials are being rebuked by the Federal Appeals Courts for flagrantly violating CBR's constitutional rights.

Ironically, while the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, Sheriff's deputies are being rebuked by the Federal Appeals Courts for flagrantly violating CBR's constitutional rights.

In addition to CBR being threatened with arrest for showing students the truth about abortion, CBR volunteer James Pullion was recently shot and killed for showing students abortion photos outside a public school in Michigan. CBR is serving notice on would- be shooters that we are contracting with licensed, armed, security personnel who will protect our staff while displaying abortion photos in public.

CBR is also serving notice on law enforcement departments and other agencies of government which attempt to intimidate us with improper threats of arrest, that such abuses will result in CBR lawsuits which will you will lose, along with the loss of hundreds of thousands in wasted tax dollars.

For interviews or further statements contact:

Don Cooper
Project Manager/The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
P.O. Box 219
Lake Forest, CA 92609
office: 949-206-0600
cell: 541-760-6620

Please see The Thomas More Center announcement on the following link:

Find the entire Press Release in pdf format at:
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