Wednesday, October 01, 2008

YouTube Gets 18,201 Petitions, Host Desecration Videos Pulled

SPRING GROVE, Penn., Oct. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, responding to a worldwide protest from Catholics, the internet video sharing site YouTube has removed 40 videos showing horrible desecrations of the Holy Eucharist from its site. The account of the author was also suspended.

Catholics are thrilled and prayers of thanksgiving are being offered.

The video removal petition was circulated by the Catholic group America Needs Fatima and 18,201 people signed it in only seven days.

For over a month, an individual from Canada had posted 40 videos showing the Holy Eucharist being stepped on, burned, stapled, smoked and nailed to a stick -- even flushed down the toilet.

The videos shocked Catholics and caused America Needs Fatima to launch a petition on September 23 asking YouTube to remove the videos.

"I was never so offended in my life," said Michael Jordan, who joined the petition from Marysville, California. "The videos were pure hate."

The petition spread like wildfire. America Needs Fatima webmaster Joseph Ritchie said: "I never saw so many people sign a petition so fast. They came in from all over the world, even Russia."

"We're now sending YouTube a 'thank you' note." Mr. Ritchie said. "The 'thank you' message lets Catholics tell YouTube how happy they are with the videos being removed."

"It's important the staff at YouTube see that Catholics not only have courage to defend the faith, but courtesy to say 'thank you' as well," he said.

For more information on the 'thank you' message to YouTube, or for interviews, call Robert Ritchie at 717- 309-1990, or go to

Christian Newswire