Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catholic Priests and Former Abortionist Confront Congress

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the heels of controversies involving House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Joseph Biden's comments on the Catholic Church and abortion, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, today ended three days of visits to the offices of members of Congress, challenging them to admit what abortion is.

"The abortion debate often lacks a starting point, because the word has lost practically all its meaning," Fr. Pavone stated. "We've been visiting Congressional offices, bringing diagrams of the procedure and quotes of abortionists, and then have asked, 'Is this what you mean when you say abortion?'"

Joining Fr. Pavone in these Capitol Hill meetings were Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, Fr. Denis G. Wilde, O.S.A., Fr. Peter J. West, Fr. Victor Salomon, and the Coordinator of Priests for Life's Lay Missionaries, James J. Pinto. The details of the "Is This What You Mean?" campaign, along with the quotes and diagrams, can be found at

"The last thing that abortion supporters want to talk about is abortion," Fr. Pavone added. "But this campaign puts the words of the abortionists before the public, so that those who vote in favor of abortion can no longer hide from its violent reality."

Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit

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