Thursday, December 06, 2007

'Romney's Speech Nothing but a Lie,' Says Evangelical Leader Bill Keller

ST. PETERSBURG, Fl., Dec. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bill Keller, founder of - the first national Christian leader to call into question Mitt Romney's Mormon background with his now infamous "A vote for Romney is a vote for Satan" message - is calling Romney's speech on Thursday will be "Nothing but a big lie."

Keller, who sends out a daily devotional to over 2.4 million opt-in subscribers worldwide, critiqued Romney's speech as deceptive and misleading.

Keller states that if Romney wanted to be honest, he would have given his speech at the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, rather than at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. Keller said Romney continues to deceive and mislead people with a steady dose of words such as "God," "Jesus," and "The Bible," even though the god and Jesus of Mormon theology is not the same as the God and Jesus of the Holy Bible. In fact, says Keller, Mormons believe the bible is a flawed and incomplete book.

In the speech, Romney stated that "he believed Jesus to be the Son of God," failing to mention that according to his churches theology, Jesus is also the spirit brother of Lucifer and NOT and a created being, NOT DEITY, the key tenet of the Christian faith.

Keller concludes that this is simply Romney's most recent attempt to try to deceive people into thinking he is a Christian, when in fact Mormon theology that he refused to address is totally inconsistent with biblical Christianity.

"In the end, Romney will try to demonize anyone who has the guts to hold him accountable for his deception, calling them religions bigots and other names," says Keller. "But I refuse to be silenced since, for me, this is not - and never has been - about politics. It's about the eternal souls of men who will be lost if they follow the false teachings of a Mormon cult."

About Bill Keller: In 1999, Keller launched, which has become the most successful online faith outreach in history. Since its inception, has responded personally to more than 60 million online requests for prayer. And Keller's Live Prayer devotional is received daily by more than 2.5 million email subscribers. For information on where to watch Live Prayer in your area, visit The Live Prayer program is about to go on worldwide internet (live streaming broadcast). Visit the website for details.