Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Welcome Back Home Wal-Mart

MEDIA ADVISORY, June 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- We are rejoicing today over the fact that Wal-Mart is coming back home! In the fall of 2006, Operation Save America joined several other ministries in a battle for the heart and soul of America's largest corporation -- Wal-Mart. Over the years she had become America's favorite family store and was blessed by God Himself as she followed the God honoring principles of her founder Sam Walton.

In comes the radical homosexual agenda. It attempts to blackmail this powerful corporation, as it has done with so many others, by causing it to agree to support the gay agenda or be exposed as a discriminatory, homophobic monster. Wal-Mart bowed her knee to the pressure of this lie.

Thousands of faithful Christian friends came to her aid, however, and reminded her of the God who made her great. We proclaimed Christ at Wal-Mart stores (over 300 of them) across the nation, and to Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville Ark., calling her back to the principles upon which she was founded.

The Church of Jesus Christ came out of the closet. When she did, the enemy fled. Simple little Christian moms and dads, boys and girls, grammas and grandpas, the backbone of the Wal-Mart success story, said to the nation's largest retailer - "No! We will not tolerate homosexual sin." And the boycott began.

Wal-Mart listened. She saw the light when she felt the heat of the Christian boycott. Today she has promised to no longer financially support any homosexual cause. We rejoice over Wal-Mart's decision. We thank the thousands of gentle Christian warriors who gave their local Wal-Mart stores "heaven."

What is God saying in all of this? If He can turn the nation's largest and most powerful retailer around by the witness of simple little Christians, how much more might He turn America around? If God can save Wal-Mart can He also save America? You Bet He can!

When Christians come out of the closet and allow their theology to become biography in the streets, America can be saved. It requires the Church of Jesus Christ to decide to put Christianity into action.

Christian Newswire